Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner
Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Dinner
Seniors in the Denver Metro have been treated to a free Thanksgiving dinner with all the trimmings (including pumpkin pie) annually since the early 1990’s. Geta and Janice Asfaw first served area senior citizens at the restaurant they owned on Broadway and 6th Avenue over 20 years ago. “We moved the dinner to the Park Hill location on Colorado Boulevard because since being rebuilt, it is a much larger facility and can accommodate 3 sittings,” said Geta. Reservations are accepted for senior citizens to schedule their preferred time. Annually over 500 dinners were served.
When asked why the Asfaws continue to host this dinner, Janice replied, “This is our way of giving back to another branch of our community. Serving senior citizens is where we started. Over the past 20 years we’ve served over 10,000 seniors. We now reach elementary, middle and high school age youth as expanded elements of our foundation.”
The Senior Citizen Thanksgiving Day Dinner kicks off the Asfaw Family Foundation International’s (AFFI) season of giving. Their Annual Arches of Hope bicycle give away awards, 5th and 6th grade students nominated by teachers and community organization administrators, bicycles for Christmas. During the December event, high school seniors receive college scholarships as part of the foundation’s newest program, the Aim High Scholarship Program.